Our Board | مجلس إدارتنا

Joumana Haddad

Director and Head of the Feminism Power Group & the English Book Club

An author, journalist and human rights activist. She’s the founder and director of the Joumana Haddad freedoms Center, with an experience of over 20 years in the defense of gender equality, secularism, human rights and freedoms. Haddad has published more than 15 books and has been selected as one of the world’s 100 most influential Arab women by Arabian Business magazine for her cultural and social activism.

Bassel Abdallah

Member and Head of the Secularism Power Group

A lawyer, writer, and civil society activist. He’s been the “Civil Society Movement” Coordinator between the years 2009 – 2014, and a member of the steering committee of the "Civil Campaign's for Electoral Reform - CCER" since 2009. He participated in the preparation of the "Civil Marriage Draft Law" with the Legal Committee of the “Civil Society Movement” in 2010, and has authored many books on secularism and citizenship.

Samir Chalhoub

Member and Head of the Inclusion Power Group

An international human rights advocate, aid worker, and social justice activist. He is globally engaged in social movements advocating for the rights of vulnerable and marginalized communities including refugees and internally displaced populations, children, migrant workers, and LGBTQI+. He is currently focused on humanitarian needs of crisis-affected populations.

Mounir Haddad

Member and Legal Advisor- Secretary of JHFC

A corporate lawyer with a keen interest in human rights, and a proud feminist. He holds a BA in Political Science and International Affairs from the Lebanese American University and Sciences Po Paris, (with High Distinction), as well as an LL.B. from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London with First Class Honors. He is an advocate for social justice and individual freedoms.

Widad Jarbouh

Member and Head of the Freedoms Power Group

A journalist and researcher defending freedom of thought and expression. She took part in several conferences and seminars and training workshops tackling freedom of expression and opinion. She holds a BA in journalism and a capacity-building for nonprofits certificate from the Lebanese American University.

Dalal Moawad

Member and Comms Advisor

An award-winning Lebanese journalist currently working as a senior Middle East and North Africa video producer and correspondent with the Associated Press. She previously worked as a regional video producer for the United Nations Refugee Agency. She mainly covers human rights, refugees and environmental issues. She has a Master’s degree in International Political Economy from the LSE and another Master’s degree in Journalism from Columbia University in New York where she graduated with honors and was awarded the Joan Konner award for outstanding reporting for Television and Radio.

Luna Safwan

Member and head of the Press Club

A freelance Journalist and communication specialist. She has previously worked as a Reporter and Editor for several Pan Arab and International news outlets including NOW Lebanon, The New Arab, and The Daily Telegraph.

She has also worked on press freedom and freedom of expression, researched, and documented media violence in The Middle East while covering the Arab spring with a special focus on Syria. In 2016, Luna was awarded a Leadership fellowship “Young leaders visitors program” from the Swedish Institute in Stockholm/ Sweden.

Our Advisors | مستشارونا

Renée Asmar

Sociologist and Researcher

Mia Atwi

Clinical Psychologist, co-founder of Embrace

Akl Awit

Poet and Journalist

Hatem Bdih

Civil Engineer

Hayat Mirshad

Journalist and activist, co-founder of Fe-male

Bachir Ramadan

Businessman, treasurer of JHFC

Carole Wehbe


Nasser Yassin

Associate Professor of policy, AUB